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What is honey and how do bees make honey

by Admin
October 23, 2021

It’s a sweet viscous food substance/liquid that is produced by bees by collecting nectar from the flowers of different kinds. Honey is produced by Wild bees, domesticated bees or stingless bees (Small bees) around the world.

Its composition consists of these elements etc such as Glucose (31%), Water (17%), Fructose (38%), Maltose (7%) and small amounts of trisaccharides, other higher carbohydrates, Sucrose, minerals, Vitamins, Enzymes and Anti-Oxidants. Because of its composition and chemical properties, honey is suitable for long term storage and easily assimilated even after long period.

Honey can be seen in different colours, state and taste. These colour and Taste of honey vary from source to source. You can also say that its colour and taste depends upon from which source it has been harvested.

Some honey are very dark in colour and some are very light. Some tastes as very sweet and some taste as little bitter or sometimes tastes like butterscotch, velvet etc. It all depends from which source it has been harvested.

There is one very interesting fact about honey. Most micro-organisms don’t grow in honey. So sealed honey doesn’t spoil, even after thousands of years. 

As bees collect nectar from different kind of flowers and plants. When their Nectar “Sac” is full. These bees fly back to their colonies. In colonies this nectar is handed over to indoor bees. When nectar is reached to colony, it possesses high moisture content.

So indoor bees pass honey mouth to mouth from bee to bee. During this process these bees inhale nectar into stomach. This nectar is pulled back to mouth of bee, then this bee delivered the honey from mouth to the mouth of other bee.

You can also call the honey as “Bee Vomit”. This process is carried out until moisture content of nectar is reduced from 70% to 20%. It changes the nectar into honey.

These bees store nectar in beautifully designed honey combs or cells. These cells are in hexagonal shape. When these cells are filled with nectar that is processed by worker bees, these bees cap this nectar with wax for some specific period of time. So that it could be used for food purpose for future or most probably in winter season.

While collecting nectar from different kinds of flowers or plants, Bees don’t only collect nectar. They do collect pollen from these plants and bring it back to their colony. It provides Vitamins and protein for bees to keep up their diet. While doing so these bees pollinate these flowers or plants. It’s very essential for Human food supply chain.

Bees collect nectar in their mouth. And pollen to their bucket style legs or sometimes their whole body can be seen covered in powder kind substance which is called “Pollen”. Colour of pollen, honey vary from one kind of plant to other kind of plant.

If you have ever witness the honey comb, then you might have seen some honey comb/cells of colony filled with yellowish or other kind of powder substance. It’s a part of dietary substance for all bees of colony.

Pollen is the main substance through which source of honey is Traceable. Each type of flower or plant possesses unique shape and colour of pollens. It helps in creating lab results or researcher to differentiate one kind of the honey from the other one.