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Top 10 health benefits of honey

by Admin
October 23, 2021

Honey as a natural Super Saturated Sugar mixture is one of the Blessed gifts of Mother Nature that is produced by “bees” around the globe. It comes with a very essential benefits for human health. It’s a kind of precious gift one can get great benefits from it on its usage in their daily lives.

There are top 10 benefits one can get if, one use it regularly.

  1. It is a good source of anti-oxidants help to prevent heart disease.
  2. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal; kills unwanted bacteria and fungus and prevent infections. It heals wounds. You may apply real honey on your wounds as well.
  3. Honey is very effective against stomach ulcers, nourishes good bacteria in intestines crucial for digestion and overall health.
  4. Honey is a remedy to “Sore Throat”. Add one spoon in hot lemon tea when cold hits you. It helps to decrease the cough. Add ginger water and black pepper into the honey and take a one spoon daily during winter morning and before going to bed to fight against flu, cough and fever.
  5. Real honey boost immune system and acts as “anti-Cancer” agent. Heating and ultra-filtration destroys valuable benefits of honey.
  6. Anti-oxidants present in honey lower the blood pressure, Reduce “bad cholesterol” and increase the “good cholesterol” that is good for health of heart.
  7. It is perfect alternative to commercial sugar to make the cuisines more delightful without any worry of bad sugar effects over body.
  8. When you take honey, it causes slow steady spike of insulin. It then converts into serotonin and melatonin, these are two chemicals that help you to fall asleep. Since honey helps to stock the glycogen in the liver, something the needs to keep you asleep for dreamy 8 hours.
    Try a spoon of honey 15 minutes before bed. And if waking up in the middle of night causing trouble, have a spoonful then.
  9. Some studies show that honey sharpen the memory on long run. Moreover works as anti-depression remedy a alternative to other anti-depression medicines harmful on longer run. It develops good gut bacteria and nourishes them to reduce the anxiety and depression.

It helps to reduce the weight if, use on daily basis. Some warm water, honey and lemon juice drops and job done.