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Difference between Pure, Raw, Organic and Unfiltered honey.

by Admin
October 23, 2021

When we go the super-market, we often come across the different kinds of honey. These honey are labelled as Pure, Raw, Organic and sometimes unfiltered honey.

These all label don’t represent same state of honey, rather define specific condition and through which method these honey are extracted or handled from nectar collection till the bottling of honey.

Pure Honey: If you visit some retail store and come across of a honey jar that is labelled as “100 pure honey”. This term means, the honey is 100 percent pure without any additives and artificial addition. Moreover this honey is not adulterated with any syrup, more specifically corn syrup. This act is usually done to maximize the quantity of honey on commercial base to cop-up the demand. However any addition in pure honey makes it less effective or no benefits. If you find any honey that is labelled as “100 pure honey”, it is more likely 100% honey without any additives. You should buy.

Raw Honey: When you visit the supermarket, you often come across the honey jar that is labelled as “Raw Honey”. There is very big difference between Raw and Pure honey. Raw honey is kind of honey that is not heated to the pasteurized temperature (114° F) to make it more liquid so that it could be filtered easily. That whole process is handled carefully. There are so much benefits of raw honey as all the enzymes, nutrients, pollen etc remain intact or preserved. There is simple reason behind all this preservation as honey is heated. It is more beneficial than the one labelled as “100 pure honey”. Because that does not guaranteed that all the essential vitamins, nutrients, enzymes and pollens are preserved. However “Raw Honey” does guaranteed.

Organic Honey: You have often come across the honey jar in the market, those are labelled as “Organic Honey”. This term stands for a specific grade of honey having no sign of contact with any pesticides or fertilizers etc. It means, a honey that comes from a source grown up or maintained naturally in natural habitat.

In other words, if bees are placed in natural habitat and there is no sign of use of pesticides, fertilizers etc even in surroundings. It means bees don’t have any contact or trace to that area rather these bees contacted with organically grown plants etc. Later this honey is handled carefully by its prescriptive beekeepers without any other industrial process. Then we can say that honey is organically labelled. If you find this kind of honey labelled as “Organic”, you should have your hands on it.

Unfiltered Honey: Some honey are labelled as “Unfiltered Honey”. Honey is usually filtered to remove the debris, dead bees and other unwanted large particles etc. If honey is ultra- filtered, for this purpose honey is heated up to make it more liquid. Then we can surely call it filtered honey. However, if such process is not carried out on honey from start to the end (Bottling). Then, we can call it “Unfiltered Honey”. Through this all good elements remain intact and preserved, those are very healthy for human and bees as well.